
A New Challenge Awaits! Day One: #21DaysofVGM

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program!

In mid-February I became a member of the Video Game Music Academy, and have been inspired by this dedicated online community of like-minded game composers.  This month they are hosting a “21 Days of VGMA Composition Challenge.” Since I’ve been composing every day anyway, I thought this would dovetail from my self-imposed composition challenge that I have been posting about. Each day VGMA is giving a prompt for something to compose, and the requirements are pretty friendly: 2-4 bars of something either written out, recorded, video-ed, smoke signaled, etc.

So here we go! The first “Composition Quest Challenge” was to compose a melody starting on either beat 2 or 3.  This melody popped out of my head fairly easily, and it starts on beat 3.  One down – 20 to go!!!


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