Day 6 of #21DaysofVGM
Today I composed a chiptune track! Yet another thing I’ve never done before. This is a 16 bar loop and quite pleasant.

Day 5 #21Daysof VGM
Here is the next one! A piece composed entirely of the whole tone scale.

Day 4 #21DaysofVGM
A short piece for piano, violin, and flute. Never have done that before! Also in the melody y I’m using some wider intervals, both ascending and descending, than I would …

Day 3 of #21DaysofVGM
The next prompt is still from the Level 1 Quest Challenge: “Something Strange & Wonderful.” I ended up with a combination of instruments I have never used before, and in …

VGM Academy Composition Challenge Day 2 #21DaysofVGM
The prompt I used for today was to compose something using a compound meter. This is in 7/8.

A New Challenge Awaits! Day One: #21DaysofVGM
In mid-February I became a member of the Video Game Music Academy, and have been inspired by this dedicated online community of like-minded game composers. This month they are hosting …

Composition Challenge Days 24 and 25!
Here we go with two more with contrasting vibes!

Composition Challenge Days 21, 22, and 23!
Only a few days to go with this challenge! It continues to be an enlightening journey for me. I just wrote something for day 23 and as I went to …

Composition Challenge Days 19 and 20!
Here are two new ones from the past couple of days! Continuing to experiment and delve into some areas I’ve been meaning to check out.